2018, സെപ്റ്റംബർ 8, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച

Apply Official Transcript and Attest Certificate MG University and CUSAT; Reg WES CANADA

To get OT/Attested from CUSAT

1. Fill the application form from the CUSAT Website
 ( http://cusat.ac.in/examinations/notifications/exam_notif_94.pdf )

(If you require certificate attestation, write a formal application for attestation in white paper)

2. Pay required fee at the Fees Counter

3. Verify Application form, Clear Copy of the Certificate with Space for attestation at bottom along with Original Copy of the Chellan from the Controller of Examination office, at the Administrative Block.

4. Submit at the corresponding section (Btech, MBA etc.)

Remember to write your contact number. They will call you once it is ready. It may take two weeks time to get the certificates.

Procedure at MG University

N.B: You must have great patience. Keep all your records ready and in order before you reach at the University. 

1. Pay all the fees ONLINE. ( https://epay.mgu.ac.in/mguecash/Candfee/feeselection/2 )
(Including transmission fee (Outside India) and Application Fee). Keep the chellan printed along with the application form.

2. Fill the applications in the following formats

a. For Official Transcript

Write address for sending the documents very clearly with WES Ref No.

b. For Attestation

3. Remember to keep required copies of certificates along with the application. Copy both sides of the certificates. Keep copies of Final Degree Certificate in all the application(See the list below)

4. Prepare Transcript in the Official format. Write it in a CD and enclose for the application for Transcripts. (Only for Post Graduation)

5. Tie it with a thread (not stapler or clip).  Submit it to the corresponding departments (Can get help from the enquiry desk). 

6. It may take two to three months to get it back. Do rigorous follow-up (Get all the contacts and use all possible networks).